League of Super Nerds (script)

J: In the park, over summer break

(L,H, and A are playing catch)

H: Oh no! I lost my winter jacket.

L: (questioning) But it’s sumer, it’s almost 30 degrees outside!

A: (condescending) Why do you need it?

H: It doesn’t matter why. I just lost it.

A:Why don’t we use our super powers to find it?

(A pauses, everyone paying attention)

A: We’re the league of super nerds! No problem is too big for us.

H: I can read minds. (grab’s A’s forehead) What are you thinking about?  (still holding A) (ignores A) He’s thinking about kittens!

A: No, I’m thinking about last night’s homework.

H: These kittens are so cute!

A (mad) I’m not thinking of kittens!

L: (clearly impressed) Wow!  (pauses)

L: And I can turn invisible, but only when nobody is looking.

H: How do you know?

L: I can just feel it! (pauses)

H: (H nods, clearly impressed) That’s great, but we still need to find my jacket

A: don’t forget, I can also move things with my mind! Look! (rubs head) (picks up pencil and moves it) See? It moved, that was me!

L: (looks astonished)

H: wow! but we still need to find that jacket.

L: (pauses) And together we are the league of super nerds!

J: later that day

H: Do either of you know where my jacket is?

L: why don’t you read our classmate’s minds?

H: (grabs A’s head) Hmmm. (thoughtfully) Where is that jacket? (points to the right towards jacket)

A: It’s over there.

H: I know! It’s over there (points to the left)

L: OK, I’ll go get it. Nobody look!

Everyone: (looks away)

L: (covers eyes) I’m invisible now. I know it. (walks into A)

A: You ignoramus! That was me. the jacket is over there. (points to jacket)

H: (frustrated) we need that jacket

L: Oh right! (grabs jacket and takes it to A) (A is on other side of room)

A: (grabs jacket) (starts rubbing temple) (carries jacket to H)

L: all worked together to solve a real world problem. way to go guys!

A: haven’t you heard? we are the league of super nerds!

(everyone is happy)

J: The end.