legend script


Scène 2

N: Plutôt dans la journée, le Diable et la fille sont allés au village. Le Diable est allé au centre du village, où tout le monde pouvaient lui voir et il a annoncé…


D: (parlant fort) Attention! Attention tout le monde! (il commence de bouger côté à côté) Tout le monde est invité à ma fête ce soir à la maison abandonné pour commenorer l’armour de moi et cette belle fille. (il indique la fille du forgeron) et pour fêter avant le Mardi Gras! (le diable sourit)


(l’audience applaude le diable)


D: Au revoir. J’espère que tout le monde va être là.



Scène 3

N: Le diable est allé à la maison du forgeron pour chercher la fille.


D: (parlant au forgeron qui est dehors, la fille est dedans la maison) Bonjour, peux-je prendre ta fille à la fête?


Fo: Elle va être prête en 1 minute, As-tu besoin de quelque chose  d’autre quand tu attends?


D: Oui! (pause pour un second) Um… peux j’emprunter ton violon pour la nuit? Je suis un joueur professionnel.


Fo: Pourquoi?


D: (souriant) Pour jouer de la musique à la fête évidement. Toutes choses sont mieux avec la musique!


Fo: Seulement pour cette nuit, et tu dois être très prudent avec le violon. C’est important à moi.


(le forgeron va cherver le violon dans la maison, la fille sorte)


Fi: (parlant au diable) Bonjour, tu regardes beau. (elle sourit)


D: Toi aussi. Tu est prête?


Fi: Oui, je suis excité. La fête va être fantastique!


Fo: (donne le violon au diable) Au revoir vous deux. Ayez une nuit fantasique!

League of Super Nerds (script)

J: In the park, over summer break

(L,H, and A are playing catch)

H: Oh no! I lost my winter jacket.

L: (questioning) But it’s sumer, it’s almost 30 degrees outside!

A: (condescending) Why do you need it?

H: It doesn’t matter why. I just lost it.

A:Why don’t we use our super powers to find it?

(A pauses, everyone paying attention)

A: We’re the league of super nerds! No problem is too big for us.

H: I can read minds. (grab’s A’s forehead) What are you thinking about?  (still holding A) (ignores A) He’s thinking about kittens!

A: No, I’m thinking about last night’s homework.

H: These kittens are so cute!

A (mad) I’m not thinking of kittens!

L: (clearly impressed) Wow!  (pauses)

L: And I can turn invisible, but only when nobody is looking.

H: How do you know?

L: I can just feel it! (pauses)

H: (H nods, clearly impressed) That’s great, but we still need to find my jacket

A: don’t forget, I can also move things with my mind! Look! (rubs head) (picks up pencil and moves it) See? It moved, that was me!

L: (looks astonished)

H: wow! but we still need to find that jacket.

L: (pauses) And together we are the league of super nerds!

J: later that day

H: Do either of you know where my jacket is?

L: why don’t you read our classmate’s minds?

H: (grabs A’s head) Hmmm. (thoughtfully) Where is that jacket? (points to the right towards jacket)

A: It’s over there.

H: I know! It’s over there (points to the left)

L: OK, I’ll go get it. Nobody look!

Everyone: (looks away)

L: (covers eyes) I’m invisible now. I know it. (walks into A)

A: You ignoramus! That was me. the jacket is over there. (points to jacket)

H: (frustrated) we need that jacket

L: Oh right! (grabs jacket and takes it to A) (A is on other side of room)

A: (grabs jacket) (starts rubbing temple) (carries jacket to H)

L: all worked together to solve a real world problem. way to go guys!

A: haven’t you heard? we are the league of super nerds!

(everyone is happy)

J: The end.

Liam Winters’ English media presentation

1. Overview

some things I love are: I love cats, I love sports (especially martial arts), I love reading, I enjoy drawing, and I love my family and friends. P.S. I also like messing with my hair. 🙂


2. Family and Friends

here is a picture of me and my family after a family trip, and me and my best friend, Josh Gravestock, on a school field trip.

My family is awesome, my dad is hilarious and really generous, my mom kind and helpful, and my sister is amusing and, well… interesting.

And Josh is just like me, we’re both crazy and fun loving. And just in overall, very unique.

3. Achievements

These are a few photos of my award wall, on it I have all my school awards.


4. Hobbies and Interests

I love playing sports. I love experimenting with my hair. Here is a picture of me with pink hair at martial arts.

I love to read and write.

I love to play viola, here is a video of me playing at a concert at the Pen Center.

I love making videos of me just being goofy or funny. Here is an example of one, that I did for a homework assinement earlier this year.

Happy Rock (2012)

here is a link to my main site, for more cool photos, etc. of me, or that I made.